
Join the Crusade with one Click

Click our ITgirl below to Join the Crusade. Thanks to a Partnership with AfricaHouse International, all Donations and Memberships are Tax Deductible.



Prelude2Cinema was featured on WKYC (NBC in Cleveland) “The Ana Show” November 19th, 2017
Our segment begins in  “Businesses that Rock” at 11 minutes and 5 seconds.

What is the Crusade?

Prelude2Cinema is on a CRUSADE to expand the “Cinema Industry” in Northeast Ohio. Prelude2Cinema will use modern technology to create a system based on the Hollywood Studio System where the Studio developed stories and artists, produced movies, marketed the movies and screened them to audiences.

Why Should You Join the Crusade?

Historically Artists have always required Patrons. By joining the Crusade you will be helping to create jobs and art in Northeast Ohio.  Our movies will screen all over all the world and provide distinct voices. We are also looking to open a studio in 2017 that will act as as a community and business support for filmmakers and provide a sound stage to local filmmakers and welcome those from all over the world.

  • Receive Access to Prelude2Cinema Crusader’s Court: interact with community of members, offer suggestions for the Crusade, First Look production diaries (videos and behind the scenes photos)

How to Support the Crusade?


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Membership Donations/ Sponsorship Shopping/ Subscriptions
 Annual Membership

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Artists, Fans and Brands

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Submit to our Monthly Festival

What does the Crusade fund?

The TV Series

Prelude2Cinema is focused on shooting the first episode of “Out of Darkness: Cleveland,” a cross between “Law & Order ” and “The X-Files.” The story will create hundreds of jobs each year in Northeast Ohio and use a mix of talent from “Hollywood” and local talent in front of and behind  the camera. The “TV Series” will be broadcast on the air in select TV markets, streamed online and viewed theatrically in limited release.


Web Series Pilot: “Visit Eden”

“The Order of the Diaspora” is the first episode of the Web Series “Visit Eden” by Joseph Pledger.

Eden Negress is an older teen aged girl who identifies as Black yet struggles with her mixed heritage or adoptive parents.  She has hidden abilities to transform the atomic composition of things even people to precious stone.  But only when she applies makeup from Lafante Industries.

The series was created by Joseph Pledger who founded the company Achieve Historical Appreciation!, LLC.

Joe was inspired to start his business because he felt a need to empower himself and others disaffected by popular culture.  Joe’s comic books and video games fall into the “afrofuturism” genre.  Afrofuturism uses elements of science fiction, historical fiction, and fantasy to critique present-day struggles of Blacks, while also re-examining historical events from the past.  Through his creative video games, users can take a look back at the history of African people, while also imagining and visualizing possibilities for their future.  He hopes the digital experience that his company offers will help other Blacks feeling disaffected by popular culture.

“My Sweetheart”

A very moving short movie by Tharun Hari

A daughter has to deal with her Father who is losing his memory as he becomes older

Tharun Hari is a simple package you can have for all your indie film making projects. Tharun is a story writer, director and cinematographer based in Cleveland and willing to associate with similar professionals and enthusiasts to harvest creative and entertaining short films and movies. Tharun has finished 3 short films and released it in his youtube channel.


The Festival

THE ONLY MONTHLY FESTIVAL AND FILM MARKET IN NORTHEAST OHIO – Accepts Movies from all over the World. Rolling Admission Date. Check Website for Screening Locations. We are working on productions and this festival will act as a fundraiser for a Movie Studio Soundstage we are building in Northeast Ohio.